Raw Spewage
Updates from the battlefield ... fighting and winning against Lyme disease. Lyme bacteria rarely travels alone, by the way... so not only am I infected with Lyme bacteria but it brought along friends Babesia and Bartonella. It's one big keg party in here. But guess what? The party is OVER, boys. I am hammering you with IV meds and you are making me so ill as you fight back... yeah, you SUCK. But my meds are bigger and better and kicking your little bug asses to the curb. I win. =)
About Me
- Name: ~wendy.
- Location: Palo Alto, California, United States
Writing has always been the best way for me to communicate my thoughts. And since my thoughts spew forth as raw, scattered, and random musings... the term "Raw Spewage" seemed quite appropriate.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
When the Rug Gets Yanked Out From Under You
Here's what happened:
He dropped a dish into the sink and it broke a glass -- the noise crashed through my last bit of sanity and I snapped "Please don't do that!"
Frustrated, he snapped back and threw a huge handful of silverware into the sink with a loud head-splitting crash.
Labels: effect on brain, helping yourself, lyme disease, middle brain
Friday, September 11, 2009
Overwhelming the Brain
But it didn't work out the way I expected.
I noticed that their eyes got distant and they unconsciously took small steps away from me.
It wasn't their fault -- it was mine. Hearing about these horrendous symptoms is, simply put, too much for the mind to deal with and your instinct in situations like that is to GET OUT.
That is also the reason I have never listed all the symptoms that have happened to me in this blog. I give tiny pieces in story form but never the whole big ugly picture. It is too overwhelming. But I think the brain is too important NOT to write about... it is one of the things that doctors just are not knowledgeable about. How can they be? They are not Neurologists. Thank goodness I have a doctor who DOES understand this stuff and has studied the effects of Lyme on the brain. Otherwise, I'd think I was nuts.
Anyway. Doctor explained the brain to me in a way that makes much more sense now.... he said that a normal healthy brain has ways of protecting itself from too much stimulus. You can choose to ignore or shut out info if it gets too much but if you don't, the brain protects itself. Kind of like circuit breakers on your electrical system... if the system is getting overloaded, it trips the breaker which stops the electricity.
Well, in someone with Lyme, the brain's normal defenses no longer work properly... there are no circuit breakers. None. They are all broken. This means that all input from everything you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste goes into the brain.
All. Of. It.
Dealing with the nasty symptoms is bad enough... that already uses up a big portion of your available capacity for dealing. So adding anything to that? Very quickly you will be beyond your brain's ability to deal. Too much.
Kind of hard to understand unless I take you with me as it happens... here is an example:
It is night. We decide to go out to eat. I am moving slowly because all of my joints are sore and I am unsteady from the pain in my hips and knees. As my Doctor keeps reminding me, pain in the body has a very big effect on the brain.
Strike one.
But I do want to try and go to dinner.
We get in the car... the bright headlights of the cars coming toward us on the road flash in my eyes. Movement of cars going past, houses going past. Not good. Radio is playing. People are talking in the car. Horns blare. A fire engine roars past.
Strike two.
I cannot shut any of this out -- it all blasts into my brain at once. Things are already going downhill and we are not even out of the car or in the restaurant.
We get there. It is crowded. Lots of movement from all the people. The lights flash off of the silverware and water glasses... clinking of knives as people eat, bursts of laughter, people talking, waitresses yelling for orders, names being called as their tables are ready... oops someone dropped a tray.
Strike three.
At this point, my brain is already shutting down and we have not even ordered dinner yet.
Tears slowly slide down my cheeks. I cannot control them, they just come. There is a name for this but I cannot remember what Doctor called it... Limbic reaction? I don't know. But it is your brain's response when it is overloaded.
All I know is that I am done. The only thing to do is to take myself out of the situation, somewhere quiet, dark, calm.
That, my friends, is how Lyme affects you. It overwhelms the brain and you shut down.
So what can I do to help myself?
Well, Doctor figured out ways to help protect the brain and extend the my limited capacity teensy bits. These things have saved my ass so many times...
- Ear plugs. They are called Baby Blues and the reduce the amount of noise but still allow you to hear a conversation. This relieves a little bit of noise from what goes into the brain and gives you back a teeny bit of room.
- Colored glasses reduce the amount of stimulus on the brain -- red lenses really flatten things a lot. I had to use them when things got bad in the beginning of this mess but am now on the blueish-purple ones. I don'tunderstand how they work but I know that they also use colored lenses with kids that get overwhelmed in school... the lenses reduce stimulus so that the brain is not receiving as much from the eyes. This gives you back a teeny bit more capacity.
- Figure-8 movement with one hand, the more complex with the wrist, the better. Doctor has to tell you which hand to use because it affects one side of the brain more than the other. Don't understand all the neurology with this but can tell you that it works. When the Lyme was affecting my vision in my right eye -- dark spots, not able to see out of certain areas in my right eye -- he would have me do the Figure-8s with my left hand and it *helped* my vision clear a bit in my right eye. Seriously.
- Writing the alphabet with your foot. Same issue as the Figure-8s -- you need to know which side to do it on. This also helps but I don't understand all the medical science behind it.
Sound weird? You betcha. It is even weirder when it works -- which it does.
I have found that it is essential to find coping mechanisms. Essential. Living with all this crap every day can frighten the hell out of you ... but when you have things in your toolbox that you can use to help yourself, it makes you feel hope. Because there are things that CAN make a difference in your horrible symptoms which means that these symptoms are not permanent and you are not destined to be stuck in this mess forever. You need that hope. It helps you get up tomorrow and deal with it all over again.
Having this kind of thing happen to you or someone you care about... listening to someone talk about it, watching it -- it all sucks. It just does... no way around that. I stopped talking about everything going on with me unless someone asks me how I am doing... and even then I always give them an out by saying "Do you want the details or just a quick answer?" I want them to be honest and wave the white flag and say "Uh no -- can't handle it right now but I still love you!" I don't take it personally -- it is not their job to deal with my shit. I respect my people too much to ever want to overload them.
Besides, I GET IT -- I know what it is like to be overloaded. I live it every single day. But that said, it is SO much better than it used to be, especially now that I have tools to help and know what to watch for. I can take care of my brain better and that is a Good Thing.
Labels: effect on brain, helping yourself, lyme disease, overwhelm brain
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Baby Feet
He looked at me and smiled. "This is HUGE, Wendy. HUGE."
And then he explained why...
One of the things that doctors check on babies is their response when you run a pointy object down the soles of their feet... it is called the Babinski's reflex:
- Babinski's reflex occurs when the big toe moves toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan out after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked.
This reflex, or sign, is normal in younger children, but abnormal after the age of 2.
For as long as he has been testing my feet, they have had a BABY response and my big toe moved up with my other toes fanning out. But this time? They reacted normally! They curled under and did normal stuff! For the first time!!
So what does this mean? Doctor said that this means my brain is healing. I don't totally get the whole brain/feet connection but I *do* get that it is healing... and talk about fascinating.... let me tell you that when you brain starts making connections again, the most random stuff pops in your head. Like... well I just remembered my phone number from when I was a kid.
Useless but there it is.
Doctor laughed and said, "Well, expect more of that because you can now access that info when before you couldn't... your brain doesn't know that it's useless, it's just making connections and allowing you to access it again. Random, yes, but important. Say to yourself "Thanks for sharing" and feel good that things are starting to work again.
What a ride this has been. What a ride.