Raw Spewage

Updates from the battlefield ... fighting and winning against Lyme disease. Lyme bacteria rarely travels alone, by the way... so not only am I infected with Lyme bacteria but it brought along friends Babesia and Bartonella. It's one big keg party in here. But guess what? The party is OVER, boys. I am hammering you with IV meds and you are making me so ill as you fight back... yeah, you SUCK. But my meds are bigger and better and kicking your little bug asses to the curb. I win. =)

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Location: Palo Alto, California, United States

Writing has always been the best way for me to communicate my thoughts. And since my thoughts spew forth as raw, scattered, and random musings... the term "Raw Spewage" seemed quite appropriate.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

i am proof of a cure and age reversal

 It’s been years and one of the hardest fights I have ever fought. Walking away from the medical system alone and starting experimental treatment was the bravest thing I have ever done. I was called names and told I would kill myself but I did it anyway.  My kid has been with me the entire time. She stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders as I got the first IV of experimental that started me on the war to win back and save my life. When you are a 90 pound skeleton and dying, you do what you gotta do to save your life. 

And now I am proof of a true cure and age reversal. 

My next posts will bring things up to date since it is now June 2024 and I killed ALL the infections and went backwards about 30 years….

oh yeah and I’m in love with an incredible man. Life is getting good ❤️


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