Oh Winged One...

Well, that's unfortunate.
In other news:
* The Hansel and Gretal house remains a delicious candyland ... had Isreal over to do his thing so we'll know how the candy is faring very soon.
* Mr. Man Fish (aka "in-the-pocket-dude") has been working really hard to get his pictures ready for frames. The big day is February 1 when they will be for sale in the IMRU salon...
* The Bird will be getting help! It is perfect -- she will get 30 minutes, 4 days a week in a one-on-one setting, including spelling, math, tricks for memorizing, etc.
* The pigs are doing their thing... just er, being pigs.
* And as for me? I am creating a cool presentation of the first couple of chapters from my book. I want to send it off to a publisher in the next couple of weeks.
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